You searched PubMed using a keyword of "GATA". Bingo! 5,881 papers on this topic. What are you going to do with it? Read them one-by-one? You know it is going to ruin your postdoc life.
So, you need some bioinformatics tools for it!
Here is an analysis on the major topics of these 5,881 papers. It is clear that GATA is a transcription factor regulating cell differentiation.

An author analysis suggests the leading researchers in this field:

One step further, you ask yourself: if I get a paper on this topic, where sould I publish it? Here are some thoughts:

Is "GATA" a hot topic over years? Absolutely!

So, you asked, what is this wonderful tool? ---
Anne O'Tate.
Another similar tool, e-LiSe, can be found at
Labels: Anne O'Tate, PubMed